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KERALIT Laurel Ointment 300ml
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KERALIT Laurel Ointment 300ml

100,00 zł
brutto / szt.
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy
KERALIT Laurel Ointment is a care and active ingredient combination of natural components in a high quality, water-soluble base. The ointment contains 20% pure laurel oil. Due to its water-loving properties, the dissolved care substances can be ideally absorbed into the horn and the coronet band. Hoof growth and hoof mechanism are thus improved. Due to its water-solubility, the hoof can absorb and release moisture unhindered, even after repeated application, leaving the hoof"s water balance undisturbed. Conventional greases do not allow this and close the pores for several days.
KERALIT Laurel Ointment improves the water balance of the horn, thus increasing the blood circulation in the hoof when the horse is in motion. The improved elasticity of the hoof increases the metabolic rate at the coronet band and thus hoof growth. Application:
The ointment can be applied to the moist or dry hoof, and is massaged into the coronet band. The application should be done 2-3 times a week on the coronet area. Content: 300 ml
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